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Monday, January 17, 2011

GOM*TLC=Angry Shiva

Two evenings ago Deb and I were watching a TLC program about the top 10 extravagant restaurant experiences in the world. The "critics" were from Forbes magazine, the marketing director for Dom Perignon, and three more lifestyle sycophants in the tradition of Robin Leach from different magazines. It was about how much you can spend on a meal that is so over the top that all your friends will ooooo and aaaahhh that you have sufficient discretionary funds that buying a white truffle tasting or a $5000 burger or $1000 pizza will show your extraordinary refinement and oh so sophisticated you were that (a) you knew where these places were, and (b) you had the disposable income to (1) get there, (2) get a reservation, and (3) pay for it.
I'm sorry, but living in India has changed my perspective on conspicuous consumption. Even trying to align my marketing hat, this program put me over the top. We're plopped down in a country of over 1 billion people of which 3/4 are poor and more than half of them are on starvation rations.
OK, I suppose I should stop being such a grumpy old man and I have to say that, because of David and Sarah's appreciation of fine dining, we've had the opportunity to experience some extraordinary culinary treats in NYC. But the perspective of the TLC program was so self-indulgent and the commentary of the "critics" was so lugubrious, that I think I sprouted another six sets of arms and was ready to open Shiva's third eye by force. I shall never order Dom Perignon thanks to the inane comments of their marketing director. Of course, I won't buy Cooks either, even to cook with.
I feel much better now. Have a great day.


  1. Bravo Paul! I am in complete agreement. Haven't had much of a chance to 'stop by' but this must be such an exciting adventure for you/yours. Take care!

  2. You had to change your perspective on conspicuous consumption???!!!!!! I guess you'll have to sell your Cadillac now and trade in those Armani suits.
    Seriously, I never thought of you as a status seeker.
