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Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Peddlers

For all of you who remember Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a daily peddler ritual brings to mind Eric Idle as the cart master/crier and you will appreciate the street peddlers whose daily trip through our neighborhood can be heard as cries of "Idly (id leeee)" or whatever the Telugu is for "sharpen your knives." Anyway, a man with a large stainless steel pot walks down the street selling Idly, not to be confused with Eric, and I can only imagine that his target audience is the squatters on the empty lots. Most of those living in structures that are not of multiple layers of litter sewn together and covered with discarded wooden poles previously used to stablize concrete structures while they cure have maids and cook. The Idly (not Eric) peddler really wants those who are washing their clothes on the cement platform near the job site next to our apartment. And speaking of washing clothes, even Deb has become a bit jaded. As we passed another job site closer to her office, there were women beating some form of clothing on the rocks. Deb's comments as she watched one woman swinging a garment in an arc and bringing it down with a "thud" on a rock, "that must not be the delicate cycle". Just a short note. My other drafts are far too moody for the moment. I have to work on them. Always look on the bright side of life. Talk to you soon.

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